The League against Cancer in support of the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc
Around the rally
Gérard Van Den Bulcke, director the Alpes-Maritimes League against Cancer committee, was at the start village of this 29th edition, at Théâtre de Verdure, Nice, with a message of prevention aimed at the general public. In attendance at the Start Village of the Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles du Maroc since 2014, the League against Cancer symbolizes the event’s founding values of sharing and solidarity. “It was inevitable that these values would bring us together, and even more so on a women’s-only event.”
The Rallye’s humanitarian organization, Cœur de Gazelles, chaired by Marina Vrillacq, invited the League to attend, offering them a booth at the start village and selling merchandise for the benefit of the committee. “We are happy to offer an artistic demonstration at our booth, with fruit and vegetable sculptures and a dietician. It’s a way of presenting important messages about good eating habits. We also had someone doing face-painting for children. There is always such a festive, excited atmosphere at the launch of the Rallye des Gazelles!”